
Being human is a messy business…always has been, always will be. Having said that, let me say that “Juneteenth” is a holiday I can get behind. What? You were perhaps expecting something else from this libertarian? 🙂 It is ONLY because of the history surrounding Juneteenth that has led me to this conclusion. To TRULY understand the meaning of Juneteenth, you should try this link.

If you want to UNDERSTAND Juneteenth, why would you listen to a politician? Read the damned history!

Most of these “holidays” are political bullshit. And, even though the declaration of this new holiday was CLEARLY the left’s pandering to the interest of leftist blacks, I choose to IGNORE that it was politically motivated. I think it’s worth a day’s loss of productivity* for our country to remember Juneteenth. It reminds us of a thousand different things surrounding that time but especially how far we have come since then. Your mileage may vary.

Juneteenth was CLEARLY political. I choose to ignore that fact after reading the history of it

Just a note here: Don’t just blindly follow the government on anything including declaring holidays. Seriously: screw them. I urge you to think for yourself.

Don’t just blindly follow the government (Federal, State or Local) on ANYTHING

Try this: Open a damned book now and then and READ.

Harder still: Find balanced websites that don’t steer too far into ideology (left OR right) so that the history is not fouled, contaminated or polluted with their stench.


*One day's productivity using 2020's GDP ($20.9T/365) = approx. $57.35B -- Check my math on that! Obviously, that's not a fully accurate measurement of productivity loss because the economy is still moving and a lot of people work the holidays. Yet, I urge you to understand the gravity of creating a federal holiday. It is freakin' EXPENSIVE.

United States (USA) GDP - Gross Domestic Product 2021 | countryeconomy.com

Buckley/Vidal: Best of Enemies

Buckley/Vidal: Best of Enemies

I just saw a documentary on Netflix called Best of Enemies. It chronicles the debates that the then (and now) loser network called the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) set up for the Republican and Democrat national conventions in the pivotal 1968 presidential elections.

They chose two of the most intelligent people from either side. For the left, Gore Vidal, the prolific postmodern author and for the right: William F. Buckley, Jr, the writer and editor of National Review, the definitive conservative (read, ‘Classic Liberal‘) magazine.

This ‘docco’ was interesting, explosive and focused in it’s discussion of the debates themselves and the presidential election cycle surrounding them. If you don’t have Neflix, you can see it here via YouTube. This version isn’t perfect (the frame is zoomed-in on itself, missing peripheral images)…but you’ll get the gist. However you watch it, it is a must-see for historians and classic liberals.






Reis R. Kash – Obama Is No Ordinary Weakling

Reis R. Kash – Obama Is No Ordinary Weakling

I just recently saw this on Facebook and then searched it on the web to ensure it’s accuracy. It cost me $2 to see the full text (bloodsucker newspapers) but this is the accurate version of Reis R. Kash’s comments. It was met with understandable and typical Oregon liberal misdirection and wholesale dismissal of the TRUTH of these statements. There was particular venom spewed at the ‘herd of competing minorities’ statement. My that is telling, is it not? For those of you that don’t know, Mr. Kash is talking about Vladimir Putin when he talks about “…the bare-chested conqueror of the Crimea…” There is NOTHING in this text that I can find that is an inaccurate or unfair assessment of Mr. Soetero.

Obama is No Ordinary Weakling

Those who compare the bare-chested conqueror of the Crimea with the metro-sexual ruler of the United States and find our emperor weak to the point of deserving ridicule miss the essential strength of President Obama.

It’s no ordinary weakling who can turn a once-respected country into an international joke; reduce Congress to a gaggle of sniveling sycophants; turn the world’s finest medical system into a failed third-rate socialist nightmare with a stroke of his pen; shatter our Constitution without attempted recourse by the sons and daughters of frontiersmen and pioneers whose blood was used to write that inspired document; gut our military that now can not defend itself; and turn the people of our once-united states into a herd of competing minorities who, like suckling pigs, are each afraid to lose his place on the government teat should he raise his voice to protest the ruin of our country.

So don’t denigrate the nonentity ruler who has overcome his uncertain ancestry and ludicrous incompetence to do what no other king or dictator has been able to do in our 237 year history; He has destroyed America.

The VA Hospital Scandal: A Solution #tgdn #tcot


More liberal rubbish…If you want to actually KNOW what you’re talking about, here’s a good summary of the FACTS. If you don’t want to know the facts, please go here. However, this brings up a pretty good subject on this Memorial Day weekend that has been TAINTED with the VA Hospital scandals.

My question would be this:

Was that a bill to build 27 MORE facilities that would kill veterans? Are those the ones they’re referring to?

How about fixing the friggin’ problem FIRST before making more of the same crap that gets our cherished veterans killed? Hmmm? ANSWER: It’ll never get fixed because everything…LITERALLY EVERYTHING the government touches turns to crap; that goes TRIPLE for healthcare.

I’ve seen first-hand the fact that the only way things get done in VA hospitals is when the VFW and volunteer veterans who know the “system” force the issue…such was the case of my father and his cancer treatment. The VA would’ve let him die unless the VFW volunteers hadn’t stepped in. Thank God for the VFW. And this just isn’t Obama…This goes back to the Civil War for Christ’s sake! The history of how we treat our vets is well-fricken-established in the ANALs [sic] of our history.

Do you to SERIOUSLY want to fix this problem? Then here’s the answer…

  • Impeach and then throw into jail for 10 years (no parole):
    • The current and all living US Presidents
    • All living former VA secretaries
    • Current VA secretary Eric K. Shinseki and every one of his:
      • Hospital administrators
        • Every one of their mid-managers
    • Ensure they’re all in maximum security, general population
    • Ensure they’re evenly distributed in our prisons with the highest sexual assault rates
  • Fire every remaining employee of the VA and let them get a real job in the private market instead of sucking on the government teat
  • Sell off all VA property
  • Decommission the VA and establish law that will prevent it’s reestablishment or any likeness thereof in the future
  • Take the money you’re spending on the VA and give that money in a tax-free medical savings account to every veteran to spend.
    • Allow the unused portion to roll-over into the next years without limit for their lifetime.
    • The balance of what is left after they pass away is given in a no-upper-limit, tax-free lump sum to the veteran’s family
  • Then let the vets find REAL doctors at REAL hospitals instead of the POS VA

I’m going to splash my face with cold water now.  B$

Intellectual Froglegs: Low Lifes in High Places – S2E17 #tgdn #tcot @joedanmedia

These basic themes in this IFL episode:

  • Obamacare is a train wreck.
  • The media and a hella lot of Republicans are in-the-tank on the Progressive side of things.
  • Mandela was a commie…duh!
  • The battle for Christians and their beliefs.
  • Progressive success stories!
  • 44 of the biggest lies to come out of the mouth of our president.
  • Evil can only be exposed if you call it out (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
  • Keep our eyes on the next election…try not to let the media or the idiots in DC break our focus!

All that and some kickass music. If you find value in what Joe Dan is doing with IFL, throw the boy some of your loose pocket change. Or better yet, send some IFL gear to some of your idiot liberal friends.

My Way News – Mandela ceremony interpreter called a ‘fake’

They’re lucky he wasn’t an assassin! WTF Secret Service? What are we paying you for?

…never mind….Obama is a fake president, so I suppose it all evens out.

My Way News – Mandela ceremony interpreter called a ‘fake’.

Intellectual Froglegs: Barackalypse Now ‘Drop & Roll’ (S2E16) #tgdn #tcot @JoeDanMedia

I waited a few days before posting this IFL because I wanted the initial rush to be over and then hit them with another massive wave of watchers.

In this IFL it is revealed: BHO is a lyin’ ass POS: “duh”. This IFL was over before I wanted it to be over…Joe Dan has some clear messages that you won’t hear from others; even those on our side! JD is a fearless SOB, he is! <smile>

All that and great music ta boot! Y’all be good Capitalists and buy the music he’s featuring …this furthers our cause. Remember when The Pretenders got all pissed-off because Rush tried to renew his license for his show’s theme song? Bottom line: money talks. If JD is making them money, trust me: They’ll shut up and take the money. It is in their nature (and their contracts with ASCAP & BMI, I might add!)

…uh…actually…it’s in my nature and Joe Dan’s nature as well! <grin>.

If you believe you’ve learned something important from this video or if you were simply entertained: Joe Dan could really use your help. Pass him some pocket change. We must support the media that refuses to succumb to our would-be masters. Helping out Joe Dan does just that! Better yet, get something MORE for your money beyond the TRUTH!

Afterburner: The hammer of reality

This episode of Afterburner Bill Whittle introduces something that always ends up rearing its ugly yet beautiful head: the incredibly powerful and harsh hammer of reality.

Intellectual Froglegs: The Madness of King Barry S2E15 #tgdn #tcot @joedanmedia

Screen-Shot-2013-11-16-at-11.38.05-PMOK…so let me see if I can carefully discern the hidden meaning in what Joe Dan is trying to tell us in this episode of IFL:  Apparently, president Obeezie is a lying POS.

So, you’re going to hear about the lunacy, deceit and hypocrisy of the left.  And then Joe Dan discusses what we can do about it by focusing on the next election.  And then, as if that wasn’t enough, JD takes apart …or should I say DIS-MAN-TLES, the anti-Christian atmosphere of the current regime and their willing followers.

All this and more: including a great mix of outstanding music.  The boy is getting better at mixing his music for mood and subject!

And do me a favor: If – and only IF – you find value in what you get from IFL, please visit his website and toss him a few dollars. I’m tired of having him call me all the time begging for money. <grin>  Better yet, get some of your liberal friends some Froglegs University gear for Christmas.  That’s Christmas, not Xmas.  B$